Citizens Against the Reinstatement of the Draft

We are OPPOSED to the DRAFT. Conscription is a violation of
human rights, creates the escalation of war, the sacrifice of lives, and is not necessary. A volunteer military force has been proven to work. Service people are treated better, with more incentives and benefits than when a draft is in force. 
What is needed in the war against terrorism is not more brute
force, but more intelligence, and in humanitarian service to end
the root causes of terrorism: hopelessness, poverty, ignorance, and
fear. Therefore we demand that no DRAFT be mandated, and all bills to reinstate the draft be dismissed.

Name(Printed)                          Signature                         Address (City, State)




















Please print this form out and distribute widely. When a form is filled with signatures, please make copies and send to the President and members of Congress. Thank you for your effort for a free world of peace.